Our water filtration systems guarantee the cleanest water from every tap connected to your home's plumbing—shower heads, washing machines, dishwashers, etc.—without having to constantly remember to replace the filters. It removes 99% of contaminants from your drinking water before they even reach the glass cup or shower faucet, providing you with an extra layer of safety against any potentially harmful particles or microorganisms that could contribute to food-borne illnesses or skin infections from showers and baths.

The water in may contain bacteria that could be fatal!

Want Generation H20 to come to your home and make sure your family isn't drinking or showering in contaminated water?

Don't Get Caught Scrubbing In A Shower With Bacteria And Dangerous Chemicals

Stepping into unfiltered water showers carries numerous health risks, from bacteria to dangerous chemicals. Sometimes chlorine is added as a disinfectant, but this can be overly harsh on your skin and eyes when used in high doses. In addition, aged pipes are notorious for allowing minerals and metals through the system which further jeopardizes our wellbeing. An easily installable shower filter helps eliminate these toxins while providing you with clean and safe water each time you bathe!

  1. Schedule a free water test
  2. Get a free report of what's in your water
  3. Get a free quote
  4. Keep your family safe from contaminants



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