Well Water Filters

The Dangers of Unfiltered Well Water

If you get your water from a well, it's important to have it tested regularly for arsenic and other contaminants. Arsenic is a naturally occurring element that can be found in rocks and soil, and it can leach into groundwater. While arsenic in low levels isn't necessarily harmful, long-term exposure to high levels of arsenic can lead to health problems, including cancer.

When should you get your well water tested?

The EPA recommends that all private wells be tested regularly for coliform bacteria, nitrates and arsenic. They recommend testing every 2-3 years for tannins, hardness, chloride, sulfate alkalinity iron and copper. Spring is generally the best time to test your well since there is higher rainfall during this season which percolates through the soil into your well.

Concerned about

the quality of your well water?

If you're concerned about the quality of your well water, the best way to ensure it is safe to drink is to have it tested. You can also install a whole-house water filter that is designed to remove arsenic from your water. With these steps, you will know for certain that your drinking water is safe.

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